Environmental Management

Kioxia Group has incorporated concern for environmental issues into our Standards of Conduct; we treat climate change and consideration for the environment as priority areas of focus in terms of ensuring the Group’s medium- to long-term growth, and we refer to these priority areas as “Sustainability Materiality.” We strive to enhance our corporate value and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by ensuring that the environmental impact of our business activities is taken into consideration. We have set the goal of achieving by FY2050 net-zero Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions (direct emissions from our business sites), and Scope 2 emissions (indirect emissions resulting from our use of purchased energy) across our global operations.

In addition to complying with relevant laws and regulations, we strive to develop products and services in consideration of their environmental impact and conserve biodiversity at our manufacturing sites. We take steps in line with international frameworks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate any other environmental impact throughout our entire value chain.

Environmental Management Policy

Kioxia Group has formulated the Kioxia Group’s Environmental Policy, our basic philosophy concerning the environment, and we have communicated this across the entire Group.

Kioxia Group’s Environmental Management Structure

Kioxia Group manages its business while considering the environment and striving to protect it at all of our sites.

Kioxia Corporation has set up an Environmental Planning and Promotion Group within the Production Technology Promotion Division; this is responsible for planning and proposing strategies that help the company address social issues and progress environmental initiatives within the Group. The Group also compiles environment-related data from workplaces and manufacturing sites within Kioxia Group. Once every half year, at Environmental Management Reviews (chaired by the officer responsible for the environment with attendees including Executive Officers), the level of achievement of our overall environmental initiatives is reviewed. The Board of Directors discusses key issues flagged in reports from the Sustainability Committee or arising in Sustainability Strategy Meetings.

Kioxia Group’s Environmental Management Structure

Environmental Management System

Kioxia Group has established a global environmental management system to promote environment-related activities. Kioxia Corporation, which includes the company’s Head Office and Yokkaichi Plant, Kioxia Iwate Corporation, and Solid State Storage Technology Corporation (SSSTC), have obtained ISO 14001:2015 certification.

For more information on our ISO 14001 certification and other environmental certifications, please click the below link.

Environmental Education and Awareness-Raising

Kioxia Group provides all executives and employees, including temporary workers, with annual training on environmental legislation, climate change, and social trends regarding consideration for the environment.

Each site also conducts bespoke activities to raise awareness of the environment among its employees. Initiatives include internal publications such as the “Energy-Saving Wall Newsletter” and the “ESG Sustainability Classroom,” as well as participatory events such as the “Plastic Waste Reduction Ideathon” and “SDG-related Environmental Activities.” We also conduct environmental training for our employees led by external instructors.

Since FY2023, our internal award system has been expanded to incorporate sustainability initiatives, including efforts to protect the environment, with awards given for particularly outstanding environmental achievements.

Environmental courses run by external instructors (at SSSTC)