Stakeholder Engagement

Kioxia Group's business activities involve relationships with diverse stakeholders, as outlined below.
Here we clarify our responsibility to our major stakeholders, the relationship between Kioxia Group and each stakeholder, the points of dialogue, and examples of communication.

Major Stakeholders

*Table can be scrolled horizontally.


Key responsibilities

  • Providing safe, secure products and services that offer great value
  • Providing appropriate product information
  • Offering excellent customer relations and support

Major means of identifying stakeholders' views and requests

  • Routine sales activities
  • Call center contact (phone, email, etc.)

Stakeholder point of contact

Sales & Marketing Headquarters and each division, Kioxia Corporation

Communication Method and Case Study

Sharing and Reflecting on Customer Feedback

We receive comments and requests for products and services in our daily operations; these are shared among relevant personnel including top management and used to improve product quality and improve after sales services.


Key responsibilities

  • Disclosing information in a timely and appropriate manner

Major means of identifying stakeholders' views and requests

  • Press releases

Stakeholder point of contact

Legal Affairs Division, Corporate Strategy Division, Corporate Communication Division and IR Division, Kioxia Holdings Corporation


Key responsibilities

  • Selecting suppliers fairly and engaging in fair trading practices
  • Respecting human rights, promoting labor and environmental management in the supply chain

Major means of identifying stakeholders' views and requests

  • Routine procurement activities
  • CSR survey, audit, guidance
  • Business Partner Hotline

Stakeholder point of contact

Procurement Division, Kioxia Corporation

Communication Method and Case Study

Requesting Suppliers to Undertake Sustainability Management

We ask suppliers to undertake their sustainability practices through our daily procurement operations. We also conduct surveys of suppliers based on the RBA* Code of Conduct to confirm the status of their compliance.

RBA: Responsible Business Alliance


Key responsibilities

  • Respecting human rights
  • Maintaining appropriate employment and labor-management relations
  • Conducting fair assessment, treatment, and development of human resources
  • Respecting diversity
  • Supporting diverse working styles
  • Ensuring occupational health and safety

Major means of identifying stakeholders' views and requests

  • Dialogue, information exchange meetings
  • Labor-Management Congress
  • Employee engagement survey
  • Whistleblower System

Stakeholder point of contact

Human Resources & Administration Division and Legal Affairs Division, Kioxia Corporation

Communication Method and Case Study

Messages from Top Executives

In FY2022, President and top-level executives of Kioxia Corporation shared videos with employees outlining our management vision and strategies; they were shown via online conferences and via our intranet at the beginning of each half semester.
The aim was to maintain and improve employee motivation by directly delivering emails in a timely manner to all employees in order to share accurate information about management decisions that affect the whole company.

Promoting Employee-Management Dialogue

Kioxia Group respects internationally recognized human rights to the fullest extent, including the International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenants on Human Rights) and the core labor standards specified by the International Labor Organization, and we support the basic principles of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and we work to ensure that our employees enjoy fundamental labor rights. The labor agreement concluded with the Labor Union of Kioxia Corporation stipulates that the Labor Union has three basic rights—the right to association, the right to collective bargaining, and the right to act collectively.
At the Kioxia Labor-Management Congress held every six months, Kioxia Corporation discusses its business policies with representatives of the Association of Kioxia Unions in Japan.
Moreover Kioxia and representatives of the Association of Kioxia Union in Japan hold negotiation in every spring, consequently Kioxia pays higher than legal minimum wage and fair treatments to employees.
Kioxia Group companies overseas hold similar discussions with their labor unions or employee representatives in accordance with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which they operate.

Employee Engagement Survey and Disclosure of Results

Kioxia Corporation regularly conducts employee engagement surveys in order to solicit feedback from employees, and to periodically monitor the level of employees’ understanding of, and royalty to the company's policies.
We share the survey results with employees, and our presidents of each company sends a message addressing and commenting on these; in this way we leverage the survey to create a more open corporate culture.

Local Communities

Key responsibilities

  • Stimulating local economies
  • Respecting diverse customs and cultures
  • Contributing to cultivating the scientists and engineers of the future
  • Engaging in social contribution activities in local communities
  • Preventing accidents and disasters at business sites

Major means of identifying stakeholders' views and requests

  • Dialogue, information exchange meetings
  • Science classes, research grants
  • Factory visits
  • Holding summer festivals to promote communication with residents and to revitalize communities
  • Providing opportunities for community workshops to sell their products
  • Employee participation in community activities

Stakeholder point of contact

Administration division’s of each business site and group companies

Communication Method and Case Study

Supporting Local Community Development

Kioxia Group sees it as our responsibility as a good corporate citizen and as a member of the local communities to not just leverage our business activities to address issues faced by those communities, but to engage in business activities that are rooted in the area, such as promoting local employment and trade with local companies.
Kioxia Group offers internships to enable students to experience working and the enjoyment of manufacturing.

Contributions to Society

As a good corporate citizen, Kioxia Group strives to build better relationships with the communities where we conduct our business. For example, we communicate with local communities about our environmental efforts by means of such initiatives as factory visits and by holding classes at elementary schools. We do this so that a wide range of stakeholders, such as the communities around Yokkaichi Plant—including schools, students, customers, and other companies—can learn about Kioxia Group's activities.

At the eco-charity bazaar that our Yokkaichi Plant has been hosting since 2007, we recycle unwanted household goods and donate all profits from the bazaar to the Yokkaichi City Greening Fund.
In FY2022, we collected and donated 33,709 contact lens cases through an activity promoting corneal transplants.

Governments/Public Bodies

Key responsibilities

  • Complying with laws and regulations, and paying taxes
  • Supporting government policies that address social issues

Major means of identifying stakeholders' views and requests

  • Dialogue and proposals via economic associations and industry bodies

Stakeholder point of contact

Each Group Companies and Corporate Strategy Division, Kioxia Corporation

Communication Method and Case Study

Job Creation and Tax Contribution

Kioxia Group is expanding its business around the world. The jobs we create help support local communities, especially production facilities that employ large numbers of local people.
By paying taxes in accordance with national laws and regulations, Group companies and their employees make an economic contribution to the countries and regions where they operate.

Participation in Industry Associations

Kioxia actively participates in the activities of industrial associations to help address various social issues.

Kioxia Holdings Corporation
  • TCFD Consortium
  • Responsible Business Alliance
Kioxia Corporation
  • Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)
  • Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association


Key responsibilities

  • Collaborating on and helping to solve global social issues
  • Collaborating on local community development

Major means of identifying stakeholders' views and requests

  • Dialogue through collaboration

Stakeholder point of contact

Sustainability Division, Kioxia Corporation and Group Companies

Global Environment

Key responsibilities

  • Mitigating climate change
  • Reducing waste discharge
  • Reducing release of chemicals
  • Conserving biodiversity

Major means of identifying stakeholders' views and requests

Stakeholder point of contact

Environment Planning Promotion Group, Production Technology Promotion Division, Kioxia Corporation