Health and Safety

For the Kioxia Group to achieve sustainable development in harmony with society, it is important for every employee to strengthen their physical and mental health in order to be able to flourish and shine professionally.

Kioxia Group has established health and safety as priority areas of focus in terms of ensuring the Group’s medium- to long-term growth (what we call Sustainability Materiality), and we strive to create a safe and comfortable working environment for all employees and others involved in our business.

Health and Safety Policy

Kioxia Group’s senior managers in Japan all pledge to ensure health and safety across our operations, a pledge that is shared with all employees. Kioxia Corporation established its Basic Policy for Safety and Health at the time of the company’s foundation in 2017, and it reviews the policy annually to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the times. Kioxia Group in Japan has subsequently formulated its own policy and is accordingly implementing a range of health and safety initiatives.

Each overseas group company implements employee health and safety initiatives in accordance with the laws and regulations of their respective countries and regions.

Promotion of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

Kioxia Group in Japan deploys health and safety supervisors within the Administration Division of each group company to promote health and safety activities among employees. They report periodically on health and safety matters to the President of each group company. The Health and Safety Officer of the Human Resources and Administration Division of Kioxia Corporation summarizes these reports and shares the summaries with the President and CEO, and the Executive Officer in charge of Human Resources.

Organization Structure for Health and Safety Management at Kioxia Group in Japan

OHS Management System

Since January 2021, Kioxia Group has been pursuing the acquisition of occupational health and safety management systems certification (ISO 45001:2018) for its manufacturing and R&D sites. As it moves to comply with the requirements for this certification, Kioxia Group is making efforts to continuously reduce health and safety risks through risk assessment and compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and is making its health and safety management measures more visible.

Kioxia Group is also committed to ensuring health and safety are maintained throughout the day-to-day activities of our organization and our employees. Our efforts include the creation of small workplace groups which undertake a variety of activities on an ongoing basis; these encompass workplace improvement programs, education and training to increase risk awareness among employees, and monitoring to ensure that appropriate practices are being followed. We integrate these activities into our implementation of health and safety management based on ISO 45001 standards. 

Acquisition of ISO 450001:2018 certification

* Table can be scrolled horizontally.

Name of company

Certified body

Certificate expiry date

Approval certificate No.

Kioxia Corporation
Kioxia Systems Corporation
Kioxia Iwate Corporation
Kioxia Engineering Corporation
Kioxia Energy Management Corporation

JACO: Japan Audit and Certification Organization for Environment and Quality

March 28, 2025


Solid State Storage Technology Corporation


November 23, 2024


Key Health and Safety Initiatives at Kioxia Group in Japan (FY2022)

* Table can be scrolled horizontally.



Health and Safety

  • Planning and implementation of execution plan based on our Health and Safety Policy
  • Health and safety awards
  • Business site health and safety committees, workplace health and safety meetings
  • Internal audits and external certifications
  • Periodical reports to the president of each group company
  • Implementation of Safety and Health Management Review1

Safety only

  • Compliance with relevant laws and regulations
  • Risk assessment to identify sources of danger and steps that can be taken to mitigate those risks
  • Safety reviews when installing or modifying equipment
  • Operation of specialist internal safety committees
  • Sharing of information and holding discussions with labor unions and on-site subcontractors

Health only

  • Thorough implementation of health measures in full compliance with relevant legislation
  • Promotion of measures to prevent health problems caused by passive smoking
  • Measures to combat brain, heart and lifestyle-related diseases
  • Measures to improve mental health
  • Health management for those posted overseas or on business trips
  • Promotion of activities to support workplace engagement2 and workplace energization
  • Measures to prevent the spread of diseases

Periodical reports to the President and CEO of Kioxia Corporation about the activities at Kioxia Group in Japan
Workplace engagement: encouraging a positive and fulfilling attitude toward work among employees.

Health and Safety Awareness Raising and Education

Kioxia Group in Japan endeavors to enhance our employees' understanding of the need for health and safety and for supportive behavior. On top of the training specified by the Industrial Safety and Health Act, we implement education programs for employees who are newly appointed to health and safety-related posts, as well as for mid-career employees in health and safety-related positions. We also run practical training programs devised by individual operational sites.

Key Health and Safety Training Results at Kioxia Group in Japan (FY2022)

* Table can be scrolled horizontally.

Type of Training

Ratio of participation:No. of Participants/ No. of Eligible Employees

Training related to job promotion (health and safety)

100% (347/347)

Mental health training

100% (16,760/16,760)

Post-recruitment training (health and safety, road safety, etc.)

100% (2,761/2,761)

Various types of training based on the Industrial Health and Safety Act
(for workplace managers and health supervisors, covering the use of industrial robots and safety equipment, etc.)

100% (1,262/1,262)

Competence training
(for health and safety promotion committee members, risk assessors, internal auditors, etc.)

100% (822/822)

Each work site also conducts its own training in addition to the activities listed here.

Workplace Accidents

Kioxia Group in Japan strives to minimize the number of workplace accidents and monitor any occurrences. We use the “frequency of injuries resulting in lost working days” as an indicator for these efforts. In 2022, the frequency rate was 0.08, which was below the average rate of 0.53 in the electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industries.

Kioxia Group in Japan will continue to implement further measures to prevent workplace accidents. In particular, we will prioritize the reduction of hazardous risks that could lead to illness or serious injury and conduct risk assessments of all workplaces and tasks. In addition, we systematically manage and reduce risks by reviewing work methods from risk identification to elimination, renovating facilities, and providing education and training to employees. 

Frequency of Injuries Resulting in Lost Working Time at Kioxia Group in Japan3

Frequency = number of casualties due to work-related accidents / total actual working hours x 1 million. Figures for all industries and the electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industries are collated from the respective “Survey of Industrial Accidents” conducted each year by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Health Management

As the environment in which the Kioxia Group conducts business continues to change dramatically, we have been working on the implementation of health and safety measures for our employees, an investment which we see as essential for the future of our company and the development of society (health investment).

Kioxia Holdings Corporation issued the Kioxia Group Health Management Declaration in April 2023.

Kioxia Group Health Management Declaration

Based on our mission of “uplifting the world with ‘memory,’” we continue to create value for society through our memory technology. We firmly believe the health of our employees is essential in order to achieve this mission, and consider this to be one of our most important areas of focus. We will continue to promote health management aiming to improve the health of every employee in order to continue to create value for society through "memory" technology.

April 1, 2023
Nobuo Hayasaka, President and Chief Executive Officer,
Kioxia Holdings Corporation

Structure for Health Management

The President and CEO of Kioxia Holdings Corporation and Kioxia Corporation has ultimate responsibility for the promotion of health and safety management. In 2023, Kioxia Corporation reorganized its approach in this area, allowing each level of the company to have a role promoting employee health, as shown in the diagram below.4

With the Health and Safety Section of the company's Human Resources and Administrative Division as the secretariat, activities, measures and policies are discussed at regular meetings with the Health Support Center, which deploys industrial physicians and public health nurses at each of our sites. In addition, our management is committed to focusing on health-related issues, with the company, labor union, and health insurance union working together to promote healthy activities and lifestyles.

In the future, we will expand our health management initiatives to other group companies.

Currently at Kioxia Corporation, the President and CEO also promotes health management at Kioxia Holdings Corporation.

Organization Structure for Health Management at Kioxia Holdings Corporation and Kioxia Corporation

Health Management Strategy and Processes

The Kioxia Group has formulated its health management strategy and processes in order to clarify issues and areas related to health management, implement measures to address these issues, and continuously implement the PDCA cycle while verifying the effectiveness of each measure.

Recognizing the importance of workplace engagement in terms of promoting our employees‘ physical and mental health and improving their performance, we will continue to promote health-related measures for them.

To ensure that employees can work for many years in good health and spirits, we will strategically promote employee health and foster a culture of health that makes it easier and more rewarding to work. By doing so, we aim to enhance our corporate value in a sustainable manner.

Health Management Strategy Map5

5 This covers Kioxia Holdings Corporation and Kioxia Corporation.


To promote health management, we have set goals in three areas: (1) prevention of the onset and spread of lifestyle-related and other diseases, (2) prevention of stress-related diseases, and (3) creation of more lively workplaces.

(1) Improve lifestyles by enhancing health literacy.6 Prevent the onset and spread of lifestyle-related diseases.
(2) Prevent stress-related conditions such as declines in mental well-being
(3) Achieve a good work-life balance. Create more lively workplaces through improved employee engagement

The knowledge, willingness, and ability to obtain, understand, evaluate, and use health-related information.


We pursue the following initiatives to create an environment where employees can work in good mental and physical health. Each business site also proactively implements its own measures.

  • We have established processes whereby physicians are deployed to comment on the results of medical checkups covering lifestyle-related diseases such as high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels, allowing for intervention by the physicians and consultation with public health nurses. In this way we aim to reduce the number of employees who leave the company due to absenteeism, leave or illness.
  • We have set up a mental health consultation service and make its existence known to all employees. We also provide various training programs aimed at preventing stress-related illnesses.
  • We are promoting collaborative health programs7 with health insurance societies to improve employees' health literacy and to prevent and alleviate metabolic syndrome.

To implement disease prevention and promote good health for employees and their families in conjunction with companies and insurers.

Changes in individual indicators8

* Table can be scrolled horizontally.




FY2023 Target

Employees who attended annual health check-ups




Percentage of employees where abnormal findings were uncovered during health check-ups



30% or less

Percentage of employees who received thorough examinations after annual health check-ups


60% or more

Percentage of employees receiving health guidance



Employees with metabolic syndrome (aged 40 and over)



Less than 20%




20% or less

Employees undergoing stress check examinations 



97% or more

Employees suffering from stress (based on company standards)



Less than 5%


Still at initial investigation stage


Still at initial investigation stage

Work Engagement

Still at initial investigation stage

This covers Kioxia Holdings Corporation and Kioxia Corporation.
Situation in which an employee is on sick leave, calculated as the percentage of employees who took 8 or more days of leave due to illness or health reasons (from April 2022 to March 2023).
10 Situation in which an employee attends work but is unable to perform at full capacity due to health problems. Data is compiled based on self-assessments of work performance over the prior four weeks.

For other health and safety performance statistics, please see below.