Diversity Promotion

Kioxia Group firmly believes that the maximization of the capabilities and strengths of individual employees is critical for innovation, corporate growth, and the creation of new value for society. Accordingly, the promotion of diversity is one of the Group’s priorities.

Diversity Promotion Policy and Management Structure

Kioxia Group embeds respect for human rights and diversity in our Standards of Conduct and fosters a culture that enables a diverse range of employees to play active roles irrespective of race, religion, gender, nationality, disability, age, or sexual orientation.

We have designated the Executive Officer in charge of human resources at Kioxia Holdings Corporation as the executive responsible for promoting diversity. We have assigned overall responsibility for the promotion of diversity across the entire Group to Kioxia Corporation's Human Resources & Administration Division. Organization-wide strategies, policies and priority measures are formulated by the Taskforce for Diversity & Human Rights Due Diligence, part of the Sustainability Committee.

Diversity Promotion Initiatives

In FY2022, we focused on measures to promote employee career development and expand the employment of people with disabilities.

Promoting the Career Development of Female Employees

Kioxia Group seeks ways to enable all employees to fully demonstrate their strengths and play an active role at work, regardless of their gender.

To promote women’s participation in management, Kioxia Corporation has set a goal of doubling the number of female managers in FY2025 compared to FY2019. In addition, in the course of our recruitment activities, we aim to ensure that 45% or more of the graduates we recruit for administrative work, and 15% or more of those recruited for technical work, are female. These targets are also stipulated in our Action Plan Based on the Advancement of Measures to Support the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, and we are stepping up our efforts to achieve these.

Specifically, we are distributing a handbook to employees outlining how they can achieve a balance between work and family time; we are also holding seminars and study sessions for managers and executives coaching them on ways to foster a corporate culture in which diverse human resources can play active roles.

Covers of the two handbooks, “Balancing Work and Nursing Care” and “Child Care Supporting Programs”
Handbooks showing how to achieve a balance between work and nursing care or childcare.

As part of our efforts to promote women’s active participation in the workplace, since 2018 Kioxia Corporation has supported an annual summer school program for girls in junior and senior high schools (natsugaku),1 one of Japan’s biggest events promoting science and engineering careers. For more information, please see the below link.

Kioxia America, Inc. has established an internal organization, LeadHERs, to support the career development of its female employees; it provides mentoring programs and networking opportunities to help them achieve both professional and personal goals. LeadHERs also organizes charity events for International Women's Day and other activities to promote the social advancement of women in the technology industry and in the community.

Initiatives Aimed at Expanding Recruitment of Female New Graduates and Developing Female Managers at Kioxia Corporation

Number of Female Managers1

This graph shows the number of female managers at Kioxia Corporation. In 2019, there were 49; in 2020, 54 (compared to 2019: 1.10); in 2021, 68 (compared to 2019: 1.26); in 2022, 78 (compared to 2019: 1.59); and in 2023, 89 (compared to 2019: 1.82).

Percentage of New Graduate Recruits2 Who Are Female3


















1 Employees of Kioxia Corporation as of end of March, each year, including those stationed at Kioxia Holdings Corporation comparison with 2019, which was set as the base year for the mid-year target
2 Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees
Kioxia Corporation's hiring results of regular employees with a college or graduate degree in each year; Kioxia Holdings Corporation does not hire new graduates.

Recruitment and Career Advancement of Non-Japanese Employees

The Kioxia Group operates globally and employs people of many different nationalities.

With offices in 10 countries and regions, the Kioxia Group has 1,972 employees working at our overseas locations (excluding those temporarily dispatched from Kioxia Group in Japan). Kioxia Group in Japan employs 184 non-Japanese people from 15 countries and regions.4

4 as of March 31, 2023

Career Advancement for Seniors

In FY2019 Kioxia Corporation raised the retirement age from 60 to 65 with the aim of enabling our employees, regardless of their age, to continue to utilize the knowledge and experience they have spent many years cultivating. In FY2021, we abolished the system of mandatory retirement for managerial positions, whereby those in these positions had previously been relieved of their managerial duties upon reaching a certain age.

Employment of People with Disabilities

As of March 2023, the percentage of employees with disabilities at Kioxia Group in Japan was 2.37%.

Along with initiatives to achieve the statutory minimum employment rates of those with disabilities, we will endeavor to achieve society's goal of “social inclusion” by encouraging interaction among all employees, creating a comfortable and rewarding workplace and thereby boosting our business value.

Activity Example: Kioxia Sign-Language Club

Kioxia Corporation provides its employees with monthly sign-language lessons at the Kioxia Sign-Language Club. Employees with impaired hearing serve as instructors during these lessons, teaching sign language in order to facilitate smooth communication and providing information to promote understanding of those with hearing disabilities. The activities were suspended due to COVID-19 countermeasures. With the COVID-19 threat having been downgraded by Japanese government in May 2023, preparations are underway to re-start face-to-face meetings at each business site to complement online meetings.

Members of the Kioxia Sign Language Club took the lead in introducing a tool that displays conversation details in text form in real time on a laptop screen. This is a key measure to counter the difficulties experienced by those with hearing disabilities amid the spread of teleworking, the increased use of teleconferencing, and the widespread use of masks. The tool displays voice recognition results on a laptop screen; these can be projected onto a screen connected to a projector or shared during online meetings, helping to enable information distribution.

Kioxia Etoile Corporation

At our Kioxia Etoile Corporation, which aims to promote the employment and active participation of people with disabilities, we strive to create a comfortable workplace and encourage individual growth through daily communication and by understanding the characteristics of each employee.

Diversity Education

The Kioxia Group conducted seminars and study sessions for executives and managers in FY2022 aimed at fostering a culture of promoting diversity and promoting understanding of this topic.

Seminar on Women’s Career Advancement

An external executive was invited to deliver a lecture for executive officers and managers from Kioxia Holdings Corporation and Kioxia Corporation on the topic of “Women’s Career Advancement and Its Impact on Management and Human Resource Strategies.” Approximately 300 participants attended—more than 80% of the target audience—and lively discussions took place.

Communication Seminar Aimed at Enhancing Psychological Safety

Kioxia Corporation held a seminar for managers on the topic of "Communication Ensuring Psychological Safety," which was attended by approximately 300 persons. An external expert explained what is meant by psychological safety, a necessary element for creating an organization in which people with diverse identities can demonstrate their strengths and help generate innovation.

Study Session for Executives on “Promoting Women's Career Advancement”

A third party expert was invited to deliver a lecture for Kioxia Group’s executives on the topic of “The Importance of Women’s Career Advancement as a Management Strategy.” After the lecture, a lively discussion took place on how women's career advancement could be further promoted across the Kioxia Group.

Promoting Work-Life Balance

Kioxia Group constantly strives to enhance the work-life balance of our employees. Each employee is encouraged to undertake different working styles and work in ways that help improve their productivity.

Consideration and Reduction of Working Hours

We comply with the local laws of the countries and regions in which we operate with regard to working hours, and in Japan we monitor time spent at work and encourage employees to take their annual leave. We also have company doctors who provide advice to those who work long hours.

In Kioxia Corporation in FY2022, the average annual total working hours per employee was 2,070 and the average annual total of non-scheduled working hours was 390.

At Kioxia Corporation, we are taking steps to cut down on the number hours they work. Following a trial and based on the results of surveys, in FY2022 we officially introduced a work from home system. This initiative is creating opportunities for employees to reflect on how they communicate in the workplace and on the time they spend in a variety of working styles; it is also encouraging changes in our workplace culture and work ethics, and aims to improve efficiency and job satisfaction.

Systems to encourage diverse working styles

Key systems and measures regulating working hours5

* Table can be scrolled horizontally.

System / measure


Flexible Work System

Flextime system, Work from home system

Long Leave System

Employees can take a maximum of 25 days of accumulated leave for objectives, such as self-development, community activities, nursing, marriage, bereavement, or spouse childbirth, and also for treatment of non-work-related injuries and illnesses, and other conditions, including infertility.

Annual paid vacation

To promote employee wellness, Kioxia Group encourages all employees to make full use of all their annual paid vacation allowance.

Making working hours more visible

Kioxia Group has systems to increase the transparency of hours worked by each employee.

Addressing long working hours at workplaces

We implement measures in various divisions and business sites to address the problem of long working hours, and publish case studies on our intranet site to spread good practice among departments (e.g., having employees declare their target leaving time, in principle forbidding employees from coming to work on Sundays, banning late-night overtime, setting “focus hours,” and banning meetings outside normal working hours).

Available at Kioxia Holdings Corporation and Kioxia Corporation

Supporting Employees Balancing Work with Childcare and Nursing Care

Kioxia Group helps employees balance their work and personal lives. Kioxia Group in Japan has implemented various measures over and above our legal obligations, and we continue to make these more adaptable and flexible. Under our Hourly-Unit Annual Leave system, when taking leave in excess of one hour, employees can take it on a quarter-hourly basis instead of hourly.

Key Systems Supporting Employees' Work and Childcare6

Childbirth and Child-rearing

* Table can be scrolled horizontally.


As required by law

Our provisions

Childcare leave

Period: Until the child is one year old, except when certain requirements are met.
Number of times: maximum twice per child

Period: Until the end of the month in which the child turns three years old
Number of times: maximum three times per child

Short-time shifts

Target: Employees raising children under the age of three

Target: Employees raising children who have not yet completed elementary school

  1. No limit on the number of times employees can apply
  2. Able to combine with Flexible Work System
  3. Can be set in 15-minute units

Hourly leave system

No provision

Leave is available in one-hour units. If more than one hour is taken at any one time, however, employees may take leave in 15-minute units thereafter.

Family care

* Table can be scrolled horizontally.


As required by law

Our provisions

Family care leave

Up to 93 days in total per person requiring nursing care.
The leave can be taken separately up to 3 times.

Up to 365 days in total per person requiring nursing care.
The leave can be taken separately up to three times.

Hourly leave system

No provision

Leave is available in one-hour units. If more than one hour is taken at any one time, however, employees may take leave in 15-minute units thereafter.

Returning to work

* Table can be scrolled horizontally.


Our system

Allowance for raising the next generation

Is provided in respect of each eligible child (the parent of a child being taken care of by a spouse is also eligible for the allowance).

Babysitting voucher

When employees use a babysitter, a subsidy is available covering part or all of the fee (utilizing the government's company-led babysitter user support program)

Mutual understanding program

Offers the opportunity for employees to discuss future career plans and any necessary arrangements with their manager and HR personnel before taking leave of absence or after resuming work, thus helping to reduce any concerns employees who take such leave might have.

(return to work) system

We have established scenarios under which those who had to resign for any of the following reasons can be re-employed:

  1. In order to accompany a spouse who was transferred by his/her company to a different location (within 5 years)
  2. In order to provide nursing care for those requiring it (within 3 years)
  3. Childbirth, childcare, or raising children (within 3 years)

6 System of Kioxia Holdings Corporation and Kioxia Corporation


Cafeteria Plan

Cafeteria points provided through the Kioxia Health Insurance Association can be used to offset the cost of recreation facilities, fitness clubs, childcare and nursing care services, etc.

Corporate Pension Plan

To help support employees after their retirement, we offer a defined-benefit Corporate Pension Plan. This complements the state pension provided under Japan's welfare pension insurance scheme. We have also introduced a defined contribution pension scheme aimed at broadening employees’ post-retirement options.

For performance data related to our diversity and human resource initiatives, please see below.

People from various backgrounds fulfill their potential and leverage their strengths at Kioxia Group.