Building a Creative World through Memory Technology

Using memory technology to contribute to the realization of a world in which people can lead fulfilling lives with uplifting experiences

Various experiences, Creative expressions, Expanding human potential, Communication across time and space. Various experiences, Creative expressions, Expanding human potential, Communication across time and space.

Note: Image of the data-driven, digitalized society of the future

Utilizing our memory technology,
we help create value by working with partners to provide people with diverse experiences
and creative means of expression and communication.

Utilizing our memory technology, we help create value by working with partners to provide people with diverse experiences and creative means of expression and communication.

Memory Technology That Will Support the Information Society of the Future

The volume of information generated and accumulated by society is increasing steadily, driven mainly by the spread of cloud computing, the advent of the IoT era, and the widespread use of AI technology.

Kioxia Group is engaged in various innovative activities aimed at creating a new future, guided by its vision: “With progressive memory technology at the core, we offer products, services, and systems that create choice and define the future.”

KIOXIA Insights

KIOXIA Insights highlights a range of activities that align with our mission to “uplift the world with ‘memory’”.
By evolving “memory,” we create uplifting experiences and change the world.

KIOXIA’s Innovative and Cutting-Edge Technologies

Kioxia Group and its partners utilize memory technology for a variety of research and development in cutting-edge fields, with the aim of creating innovative products that will open up new possibilities for people and society.

KIOXIA’s Cutting-Edge Technology

Introducing latest technologies being researched and developed at KIOXIA and various use cases of flash memories.

Kioxia Corporation has been building signal processing systems for neuroscience in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Neuroscience research calls for faster analysis of large quantities of data. Kioxia Corporation is contributing to advances in neuroscience by accelerating data analysis in the research cycle by using high-speed, high-capacity SSDs.

Automatic Quiz-Generating AI

Kioxia Corporation has developed automatic quiz-generating AI in cooperation with QuizKnock (baton Co., Ltd.) by applying AI and machine learning technology cultivated through the analysis of over 2 billion data lines generated each day at Kioxia Corporation’s semiconductor plants.